Polk County Sheriff's Election, 2016 - Republican Debate
Candidate, Mike Nettles
LIVINGSTON, February 1, 2016 - On Monday night (Feb. 1, 2016) Republican candidates Mike Nettles and incumbent, Ken Hammack had a debate on issues regarding the Polk County Sheriff's Office. In all fairness, the debate format appeared difficult. Each candidate was asked a question in which they had two minutes to answer. The other candidate was allowed 1 minute to respond, followed by a thirty second response. Because of the short time to answer, and strict time keepers, the candidates were cut off in the middle of speaking on several occasions. This isn't the time keepers' fault, they were only doing the job they were assigned.
Secondly, the debate was held in a school cafeteria and the acoustics were terrible. The videos listed below are a little hard to understand because of the echoey acoustics. Perhaps a more desirable location for a debate would be the Florence Crosby Auditorium. The quality of sound at this venue is superior, easy to hear and easy to record.
Incumbent, Ken Hammack
EDITOR'S NOTE: As pointed out in the above paragraphs, the acoustic properties of the Jr. High Cafeteria are terrible, because of the this, it's a little hard to understand what the debaters are saying. (For an example of quality acoustics, view the highlight video from the Miss Polk County Pageant held in the Florence Crosby (Middle School) Auditorium).
Opening Statements
With the jail budget being Polk County's largest budget expenditure, what will you do to control jail costs and reduce jail population?
Inmates from TDC serving out their sentences in Polk County Jail and the issue of Polk County Jail being under staffed.
What can be done to reduce the turnover of personnel at the Polk County Sheriff's Office?
Accountability for Paperwork at the Sheriff's Office...
Closing Statements
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