County employees and other visitors gather at the courthouse gazebo in Livingston. The day focused on breast cancer awareness.
Young Enthusiastic Leader Sticks to Her Commitment in Fighting Cancer, LIVINGSTON, October 24, 2011 - When it comes to fighting cancer, there's a whole lot more to it than scientists in white coats in a lab somewhere conducting cellular tests. It's a war that's fought on many fronts. Polk County is one of the top Counties in the United States at supporting the cause of fighting cancer. The war goes on and Relay for Life is a big part of it. The money raised for Relay goes to helping others in their battle with cancer. Polk County has shown year after year that it is a very generous county in digging deep and supporting the cause. Polk County has many hard workers and real troopers in the war, people like Casey Evans, Tammi Ogletree, James Baugh and long list of volunteers and other leaders that make Polk County's endeavors into Relay a shining example for other communities. One such leader is the County Employees Team Captain, Zuni Baskin. Zuni headed up the county employees in 2011 with enthusiasm, dedication and hard work. She tries not to bring attention to herself but her leadership (with support from others of course) made 2011 Polk County Employees best year thus far in Relay as far as money raised in the war against cancer. She tries to dream up ways of raising money and making it fun in the process "Sure it's hard work" she says, "...but it's very necessary, and I'm so fortunate to be a part of a cause this important". On Friday, October 21, Zuni and a fellow worker, Stephanie Dale, held a chili lunch for anyone who was willing to come. Zuni and Stephanie Dale teamed up at the courthouse Gazebo in Livingston and served chili with cheese, onions and cornbread. No cost, just a donation to help raise money. Zuni served chili and greeted participants who lined up to enjoy the chili that she and her brother-in-law prepared the night before. Most of the participants were county employees, many were elected officials. While Zuni served chili, teammate Stephanie sold raffle tickets. "We had a larger turnout than I expected" Zuni said. Her face reflected enthusiasm as she spoke. As I spoke with Zuni she seemed very focused on the cause as she was bringing up other ideas to raise money in the war on cancer. "We need to outdo ourselves this year" she said. That's a case in point on why Polk County is one of the top counties in the USA at raising money for the fight against cancer. It's all the little things, like the chili supper. When you add up all the little things, it becomes a great big good thing.
Team Captain Zuni Baskin Talks About Relay for Life.
Team Mates
Zuni serves chili...
Stephanie sales raffle tickets.
Zuni talks with county employee and co-worker, Margie Ainsworth (seated). Margie was diagnosed with cancer and Zuni and other county employees have stepped up to suport their friend.
Proud Momma: Zuni gets a hug from her mom.
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