LIVINGSTON, September 23, 2020 - For years I've been posting my news videos on YouTube. YouTube is the dominant home video website in the world. I've always used it because it's free, it's pretty reliable (other than they get touchy about copyright music), and everyone knows about YouTube. The main problem that I have with YouTube is that the company is run by what we call Tech Tyrants. If you post something on YouTube that doesn't line up with the leftist view of the world, you get mistreated by YouTube. I've never made a dime from YouTube. Some of the big guys out there in conservative circles, like Mark Dice, Dan Bongino, The Daily Wire, and other conservatives that post conservative talk videos are regularly demonetized by YouTube. What that means is, these guys are making YouTube lots of money. Normally with YouTube, when you make them money, they pay the poster a percentage of the profits.... Unless the poster is conservative. Then YouTube will just not pay them (even though they're making money for YouTube). YouTube will make up some kind of flimsy excuse not to pay the conservative poster (they'll say something like "Your video promotes hatred" because the poster doesn't agree with gay marriage). On the flip side, if a liberal calls for killing and rioting in the name of "justice", well, that's okay.
A VERY NICE ALTERNATIVE... A new kid on the block that is a video sharing website has been established and is running BEAUTIFULLY. Rumble ( I'll no longer be using YouTube. I don't like supporting Tech Tyrants. With Rumble, whether you're a conservative or a leftist, Rumble believes in and supports the First Amendment of freedom of speech, and will not mistreat anyone. Not only that, Rumble also pays its posters a percentage of the profits for their videos. If you're sick of the clogged video arteries of YouTube, and you want to share videos, you should check out Rumble. It's free, the videos are high quality and you get to keep your First Amendment. You can see my channel, user name is: Openshaw
Willie P. Openshaw
PS I'll still watch YouTube. There's lots of cool stuff on YouTube. But I just wont use YouTube anymore for my video sharing.
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