LIVINGSTON, June 9, 2016 - Ya know, some people just refuse to be happy. You can give them the world and they'll choose to remain bitter, angry, and resentful towards others. They're like a stick in the mud. According to an online dictionary, a "Stick in the Mud" is: ... to be content to remain in an abject condition. That's Michelle Obama. Her husband has been elected to the highest office in the land (then reelected). She lives in the White House. She has a personal chef. She flies around on Air Force One and takes lavish vacations and shopping sprees with her daughters. She gets invited to all the liberal talk shows and news shows (about 99% of all the news and talk shows are leftist) where she can spew her intense bitterness without being challenged. Recently, she gave a speech to a graduating class at City College of New York. In her speech she bitterly stated that "Everyday I wake up in a house that was built by slaves". According to the White House Historical Association;"When construction of the White House began in 1792, and the original plan to import European laborers failed, the workforce building the project was diverse. “The slaves joined a work force that included local white laborers and artisans from Maryland and Virginia, as well as immigrants from Ireland, Scotland, and other European nations".
I wonder if Michelle is willing to give up the personal chef, and her pampered lifestyle since the conditions are so hard for her to take? If waking up in the White House is causing her such anguish, perhaps our classy first lady can make a statement and finish out her drudge filled days in the White House by pitching a tent on the lawn of the White House as a form of protest for the "slaves" that worked so hard to build the White House? Naaaa... Come on! This convictions and principles stuff doesn't go THAT FAR, does it, Michelle? This is far from Michelle's first intensely bitter statement against her country that's been so good to her. In 2008 when her husband was first elected, she shot off her mouth stating that "...for the first time in my life I'm proud of my country". Really? Nevermind Michelle that this horrible country paved a way for you to get an education at Princeton and Harvard Universities. You're not proud of this country for halting the Nazi's in World War 2 (and all the men who died so that we can enjoy the life we live today)? Nope. Not Michelle Obama. She's content to stew in bitterness and anger and in her mind, still live as a slave (a slave to her own unforgiving hatred even though she, nor anyone she ever knew was a slave or a slave owner). In January, our bitter, angry first lady and her panzy husband will FINALLY leave the white house (Free at last). They'll move into their new rent house mansion in DC and perhaps celebrate being freed from the horrible life of living in the White House (something only a very elite few can do). While she's sipping her champagne provided by this horrible nation called the United States of America, I hope she doesn't choke on her own self righteousness.
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