Earth's basic geologic time scale. |
Many major things have happened along the way long before we arrived. For example, the middle section of the USA used to be under water (including Polk County). There's been an ice age, warming periods, cooling periods, volcanic eruptions and even large meteor impacts. Geologic evidence suggests that many parts of the world were at times, desert landscapes and those same places later became vast forests and rain forests. All this crazy, apocalyptic activity was going on literally hundreds of millions of years before man was created (yes, CREATED). Now here comes Al Gore and a bunch of money hungry executives that are claiming that they're going to stop all this stuff from happening. These legal money hustlers are spreading fear (especially to gullible millenials) and are having a mental impact on our country by spreading doomsday fantasy scenarios like, "the Earth's atmosphere is warming and it's going to melt the ice caps and raise the level of the oceans and unless we do something, we're going to be under water within 20 years". These wild claims ultimately make $$$. Politicians are quick to jump on the money bandwagon of climate change and legislate new environmental regulations and laws that actually are nothing more that a new way to milk money from the citizens, many of whom are scared to death so they subscribe to it. Many scientists and "respected" scientific organizations like the NOAA, and NASA are willing to, and do fudge the data so that they can get lavishly funded by tax dollars to help stop our impending doom. The false data is published to the masses and gives the scam the scientific credibility that it needs grow and produce more money. Many millenials are scared that the Earth wont be inhabitable by the time they reach retirement age, so they're willing to accept these unnecessary, heavy government regulations and impositions (or they are alarmed to the point that they're going to die if they don't go along).
This has to be the absolute biggest scam in history. First (sometime back in the early 70s) it was global cooling, but the data proved otherwise. Then it was global warming, again, the data was inconsistent at best. So the left adopted the one size fits all, "Climate Change". In 2007 Al Gore predicted that by 2014 all polar ice would be melted and the earth would be devastated. Well, his deadline came three years ago and since then the caps have actually expanded. Our illustrious former president Hussein Obama declared climate change as the biggest threat to the USA (all this while islamic terrorists are CONSTANTLY, plotting our demise and are well funded).
Since the advent of fossil fuels (oil, coal, and natural gas) mankind has made vast improvements in the quality of our lives. Al Gore's big thing is that man is destroying the earth by using fossil fuels. For the record, do you know how much the average temperature of the earth has risen in the last 150 years? .8 degree. That's right, POINT EIGHT OF ONE DEGREE. Mind you, Al Gore's home uses at least 20 times the energy that regular people's homes use in his state of Tennessee. How long is the hood winking going to go on? Everybody (especially the younger folks who are being scared into believing this garbage), take a deep breath, exhale, relax. The Earth will be here for you when you reach retirement age. The climate changes. It always has. It always will. It's been changing long before you arrived, and there's nothing we can do to stop it. So relax. Enjoy your life. Enjoy it guilt free. There's nothing wrong with making your life comfortable by running your air conditioner, or mowing your lawn and keeping a nice yard, or driving around in your car for fun. Al Gore the climate hustler wanting 15 Trillion Dollars is nothing more than a scam. Period.