Willie P. Openshaw |
The Hypocrisy of Our National "Media" Is Mind Numbing... LIVINGSTON, May 24, 2017 - The leftist propaganda media is focused like a laser beam on "Trump Russia Collusion" and now "The Cover Up" (Comey firing). I don't mean to sound like a broken record, but while the mainstream media has been VERY LAME for many years (last 20), I've never seen them this obsessed and dysfunctional. Remember when Trump first said that Obama "tapped his wires"? The media, in unison, screamed for evidence and wrote off Trump as just a loose cannon. The hypocrisy is how they've been going on for months and months (zealously) about Trump/Russia Collusion with NO EVIDENCE. They want the Trump/Russia collusion thing to be so true, so bad, they're breathlessly searching, investigating, scouring every possible source and leaving no stone unturned.... and after all this time, what have they produced? (drum roll please), NO EVIDENCE. Nothing. But let's not let the facts distort this, let's just keep it up and even double down on it. Is it just me or are the felonious unmasking of U.S. citizens NOT going to not be prosecuted (even though there's TONS of evidence)? Is the pallets of cash flown to Iran on an unmarked plane in the middle of the night under orders from Obama not going to be investigated? What about Hillary's obstruction of justice when she deleted 30,000 emails AFTER she had already been subpoenaed for them? What about 20% of U.S. uranium SOLD TO RUSSIA and signed off by Hillary while her husband received $500,000 speaking fees to Russian businessmen and Russian uranium investors gave millions of dollars to the Clinton Foundation? Is the media going to go after Obama for his purposefully using the IRS as a weapon to go after the Tea Party (again there's lots of evidence)? What about Obama's fast and furious program where we sold guns to Mexican drug kingpins? You can tune in the national news on network television (ABC, CBS, NBC) everyday at 5:30 pm and I guarantee you it will be a Donald Trump bash fest. The Sunday morning talk shows on these same channels are even worse. I seriously think the president should excommunicate these organizations completely. They're not news networks, they're propaganda networks. I wish President Trump would stop the daily press briefings where these rude leftist propagandists are allowed into the White House press room to talk down on and condescendingly take jabs at White House Press Secretary, Sean Spicer. Spicer is polite with them in spite of their horrible treatment of him. Trump should stop the daily press briefings and just tweet. We no longer have a national media. What we have are advocates for leftist, socialist, politically correct philosophy. Even scarier is that our institutions of higher learning (and most grade schools) have been and are being infiltrated by this erroneous philosophy and it's destined to completely change our nation if it isn't stopped. It's a change that will doom us to third world status. That's what I think. Email us if you care to chime in: pctletters@gmail.com