Willie P. Openshaw |
My Soapbox of the Day Some People I Just Wanna Slap... Where do these people come from? What makes 'em this way? You know, these young university types that think they have all the answers? They're rude, they're in your face, they know it all, and saddest part, they're actually clueless in Seattle. I know that our nation's universities are actually hiring radical leftist professors that are indoctrinating these young minds with leftist garbage. Things like climate change. OH MY GOODNESS!!! The sky is falling! There's no denying that the climate changes. The climate has been changing since it's creation. It's alive, the temperatures go up, the temperatures go down. Weather patterns change, there's El Nino. It's all part of a living eco-system that was created by God. I hate to sound so simplistic about it, but it's true. The climate changes. That's how it's DESIGNED. What prompted me to say this? I was on Facebook and ran across a video of Ted Cruz being accosted by one of these young, know-it-all, politically correct bullies. The bully asked Ted Cruz about "climate change". He asked Ted if he believed in climate change. In spite of the bully's rudeness and almost constant interruptions, Ted kept his composure, showed class, and even with the bully's constant rudeness, Ted Took his time and answered the bully's question. Ted actually schooled the young bully on the real deal about climate change and what's actually going on with climate change in regards to our government, and government inching more and more into taking control of our lives. I've believed for many years that the environmental movement is actually rooted in communism. I believe that it's a strategy that's disguised as something that's for the betterment of our world whose real aim is more government control. No, I don't believe in littering the planet and the oceans, but I also don't buy into the "climate change" doomsday "we better make strict regulations or we're all dead" scenario. I'll never forget that shortly after the Paris terrorist attack that killed over a hundred people, within a few days Obama is at a climate change summit with other world leaders passing some kind of laws that will further big government's intrusion into our lives and prod us for MORE TAXATION. I also remember Obama declaring that "climate change" is our greatest national security threat (while Christians are being slaughtered in the Middle East, terrorists are plotting our demise, and our southern border is unsecured wide open country). No Mr. President, you simply don't get it, you're NOT EVEN CLOSE to getting it.