These Problems Aren't Just in Ferguson... I don't know why I do this, but I read the overwhelmingly liberal regularly. They seem to have a knack for rubbing my fur the wrong way. Everytime one of our nation's police justifiably uses deadly force (so they can get home alive to see their family), the USAToday just can't wait to jump all over story and put inflammatory headlines like "Unarmed Black Teen Killed by White Police Officer". It's not just the USAToday, liberal media is widespread and these slanted misconstrued headlines are rampant in today's media. Even our president and his staff wont give our nation's cops any credit. No, Obama and his staff pour their bleeding hearts out for young criminals while our police in many parts of the USA have stress levels going through the roof as they put their lives on the line everyday to protect the very people that are antagonizing them. I just saw a column on the USAToday talking about "Nine Things That Can Fix Ferguson". This column listed everything from hiring more blacks in law enforcement, to meeting with community leaders, to police wearing civilian clothes. I see all over the media things like "What's the Answer", "African Americans are Disproportionately Cited", on and on and on... Stating the obvious, these problems aren't just in Ferguson, they're all over the USA in small towns and big cities. So here's my observation: I really don't think hiring more black people in law enforcement is going to change it, meeting with community leaders isn't going to do much, cops wearing civilian clothes aren't going to fix it. The problem is a disproportionate amount of black parents teach their kids that cops are bad. They're out to get them just because of the color of their skin. The black children are indoctrinated that they're victims in a giant conspiracy out to get them (again, NOT ALL, but way too many). See, these problems with civil disorderly conduct aren't going to go away until this culture of hatred and mistrust ceases. Teach your kids to respect the police. I promise, the last thing any cop wants to do is shoot someone, but if their life is threatened, officer safety must come first. More dads must stay home and help raise their kids. I think that this would stop the widespread misperception about police and black people. I for one am sick of hearing all these things that should be done while our nation's police are being pushed to the threshold of insanity. Somebody in this insane politically correct world we live in needs to state the obvious and stop this nonsense.
Well that's what I think.
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