Well that's one way to start your Monday... LIVINGSTON, April 27, 2015 - At 4 something am, my wife woke me and stated that her smart phone alerted her of a possible tornado nearby. Sure enough, the house was shaking and all three dogs were in the bed. A window blew out and water started coming in (after the power went out). Amazingly, my window wasn't broken and I was able to put it back relatively easily. With it still dark outside and even darker in my house, my wife and me and our three dogs (Mixi, Molly, and Heidi) piled into the truck and drove around and took some pictures of the damage. Traffic lights were on the blink in some parts of the town. Some roads were blocked, and some homes were damaged. A few hours later our electricity was restored as City of Livingston Trucks were seen early and often driving around repairing damaged utility sources. A few ours after that, our internet was restored (thus this website update).
Enjoy the pics below. - Willie P. Openshaw, Editor
Barbecue pits that are kept in the parking lot at Lowes blown over.
Fence blown over off Mill Ridge Drive
Large branch blocking W. Murphy Street at South Washington.
Manning Street at Liberty, blocked by fallen tree
Home located off South Houston (US-146)
South Washington blocked by large fallen tree (short distance north of Camp Cho Yeh)
Utility pole snapped in half (off South Washington short distance north of Camp Cho Yeh)
Fallen tree near South Washington
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