Fake Weed Lands Six (Mostly Youngsters) in Jail, LIVINGSTON, December 1, 2012 - On November 28, 2012 the Polk County Sheriff's Office Narcotics Division conducted a search of a residence located off of Chris Brent Drive in the Wiggins Village Subdivision acting on several tips received from the public about the possible illegal use and sale of narcotics from the residence. Detective's Andy Lowrie, Howard Smith,and Chris Lima were assisted in the search by Deputy David Mitchell and Fire Marshall Jay Barbee who responded to the scene due to the illegal disposal of solid waste. During the search of the residence several opened and unopened bags of (K-2) commonly known by users as Kush or fake marihuana was located throughout the residence, marihuana, and devices used to ingest such. In all Detectives arrested (6) people from the residence. Arrested and charged were Cameron Mosely, 22 of Livingston, charged with possession controlled substance, and who also had two outstanding warrants, Jamal Carter, 20, Alicia Reeves, 17, Kevin Hales, 18, Justin Lampson, 21, and Traci Hammers, 41, all of Livingston and all charged with possession controlled substance. Additional charges are expected as Fire Marshall Barbee continues his investigation.