Feelings of Hope, Good Will and Good Feelings Reign Supreme as Relay Outdoes Itself in Relay For Life 2008, LIVINGSTON, May 2 - 3, 2008 - Relay For Life 2008 set a new record in fund raising to fight cancer as the final tally tops $290,000 (Yes, two hundred and ninety thousand dollars). Feelings of happiness, good will and good feelings were the order of the day as Polk Countians reached deep into their pockets and hearts and poured out generous donations to help those who have cancer. Live Music and the aroma of food filled the air. Purple shirted survivors of cancer peppered the lawns, pavilions, walking track, tents, and shelters at Pedigo Park as caregivers and good hearted people celebrated and fellowshipped and gave to a cause bigger than any individual but showed that as a team of teams and a community, great things can be accomplished. Coordinator James Baugh and his team and the rest of Polk County, Texas shines as a beacon of good will, hope, and encouragement to those of have cancer not to give up.