Justice of the Peace, Darrell Longino and his wife, Donna, ready for new things.
After a Career that Spans 40 Plus Years in Law Enforcement (30 plus with the county), Judge Longino is About to Retire...
LIVINGSTON, December 16, 2022 - Yesterday, at the Polk County Judicial Center, Justice of the Peace (and former Polk County Sheriff), Darrell Longino had a gathering of friends, family, acquaintances, and co-workers at his office to reflect and look back at his 30 plus years with Polk County. Justice Longino first came on board with Polk County in 1981 as a reserve deputy at the sheriff's office. By 1983 he was hired as a full time deputy. Not only was Longino a solid deputy, but he was trained in, and specialized in certain forensics. In 1984, Judge Longino married his wife, Donna, which in turn, lead to the birth of their daughter, Kaitlyn. After advancing to, and serving as a detective, Longino was appointed as acting Polk County Sheriff in 1991. In 1999 Longino was successfully elected to serve as Justice of the Peace, Precinct 1, where he served for the next 23 years. Many friends and long time current and retired county employees dropped in. While I was there, former County Tax Accessor/Voter Registrar, Bid Smith was there, retired State Trooper, Glen Goodwin, Livingston Fire Chief, Corky Cochran, Frank Shipley (retired form the Sheriff's Office) and other people that I didn't know were there. The thing I've always noticed about Judge Longino is that he is ALWAYS the same. He's always been very polite and friendly, very courteous to those he knew. We all experience life's ups and downs. This can lead to mood swings. Not with Judge Longino. Not that he's immune to these things, but I've never seen it. When a person can keep their life consistent, and treat others by the Golden Rule, that's to be admired. Enjoy the pictures below. - Willie P. Openshaw, Editor
Judge Longino with his longtime staff: (L-R) Brandi, Sharon, Judge, Donna
May 10th, 1991: Longino being sworn in as Polk County Sheriff
Longino with the late, Cleburn Swilley back in the day.
The Longino family, 1999. Kaitlyn is now married and has her own family.
Yours truly with Judge Longio. I've known Darrell Longino for 30 years.
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