Remember the Guy Who Broke Into Harrison Body Shop and Crashed the Gate?, LIVINGSTON, September 12, 2023 - On September 10, 2023, Livingston Police Department arrested the guy who, in July of 2023, broke into the storage lot at Harrison Body Shop, then crashed the gate. Livingston P.D. arrested and booked in 21 year old Jason Doyle Capps, Jr., of Trinity. Doyle is facing a lengthy list of charges:
Guy Gets Out of Jail and Breaks in to Business and Gets Caught by Camera, LIVINGSTON, July 27, 2023 - Yesterday evening (07/26/23), a guy who just got out of Polk County Jail needed his truck back, but the storage lot (Harrison Body Shop) was closed for the evening. In an apparent act of desperation to get his pickup, the guy climbs the fence at Harrison Body Shop, starts his truck (using jumper cables), then (since everything is locked up) crashes the gate at Harrison. What he didn't know is that he was being recorded the whole time. The incident is being investigated by the Livingston Police Department and an arrest is expected soon. All he had to do is wait until the next day when Harrison is open, pay a fee, and get his truck.
Editor's Note: Shaking my head and rolling my eyes...
Front gate at Harrison Body Shop crashed (notice in background: blue pickup with hood still popped that he used to jump his red Chevy truck).
This is the only picture that we have to the burglar's pickup.
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