Kenneth Hammack
of Polk County, Texas
With my 35
years of law enforcement experience, including 10 years as a Texas
Ranger, I have the confidence and ability to lead the Polk County Sheriff's
Office to a higher level of professionalism.
- 17
1/2 years Highway Patrol
- 3
1/2 years Highway Patrol Sergeant
- 10
1/2 years Texas Ranger Sergeant
- Almost
4 years as your Sheriff
- 3572
educational and training hours
- Development of new policies and
procedures manual
- Redefined the chain of command
- Reorganize patrol shifts for
better coverage
- Development of Civil Division
- Development of in car
laptop computers
- Established internet web site
- Established of internet based
County wide neighborhood watch program "Wise Eyes"
- Development of an evidence and
crime scene officers
- Development of mobile crime scene
- Making special training available
to personnel
- Establishing a Senior and Junior
Citizen's Academy
- Establishing a Volunteer
Citizen's Patrol Group
- When funding is available,
increase our manpower through cops grants
your sheriff, I can assure you, the citizens of Polk County, that I
utilize the department's manpower in such a manner as to provide the
best coverage and protection for the entire county's citizens;
be willing to meet with you individually or as a group to discuss your
problems and determine how the department can most effectively serve
work with other law enforcement agencies to develop a network where
information is exchanged between agencies to better combat criminal
activity...with an emphasis on drug-related activity; and
work with local, state and federal agencies to seek grants that would
enhance the department's ability to address Polk County's role in
homeland security.
my career with the Texas Department of Public Safety, I received over
2,800 hours of law enforcement training. I am a qualified law-and-order
professional who is dedicated as well as experienced. Now I am asking
for your vote for sheriff on November 4.
Kenneth Hammack
Email me: