Re-Elect Kenneth Hammack
Sheriff of Polk County, Texas


With my 35 years of law enforcement experience, including 10 years as a Texas Ranger, I have the confidence and ability to lead the Polk County Sheriff's Office to a higher level of professionalism.



As your sheriff, I can assure you, the citizens of Polk County, that I will

(1) utilize the department's manpower in such a manner as to provide the best coverage and protection for the entire county's citizens;

(2) be willing to meet with you individually or as a group to discuss your problems and determine how the department can most effectively serve you;

(3) work with other law enforcement agencies to develop a network where information is exchanged between agencies to better combat criminal activity...with an emphasis on drug-related activity; and

(4) work with local, state and federal agencies to seek grants that would enhance the department's ability to address Polk County's role in homeland security.

During my career with the Texas Department of Public Safety, I received over 2,800 hours of law enforcement training. I am a qualified law-and-order professional who is dedicated as well as experienced. Now I am asking for your vote for sheriff on November 4.


Kenneth Hammack
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