One of the most common calls for firemen is major accidents with people trapped in a car. |
Firemen Train in Livingston for Real Life Situations, LIVINGSTON, February 27, 2017 - Firemen from all over East Texas gathered at the Livingston Fire Training Facility on Friday and Saturday (February 24 and 25) to train and keep up-to-date on equipment, teamwork, leadership and knowing what to do when they're called on in emergency situations. "Nothing can compare to what's going to happen in the real world", Livingston Fire Chief, Corky Cochran told PolkCountyToday.com. "No two calls are alike" he said. "Every situation is different. But by feeling the heat, and getting to use the tools that they're going to need, it gives them a boost of confidence", Cochran stated. "Team work is very very important", he stated. Cochran continued "If you have someone who isn't properly trained, and then they get hurt in a real life situation, then you're having to stretch your resources thinner to help that man, and that's not good". Firemen were trained from everything from using the Jaws-of-Life, to tanker fires, repelling off building, intense smoke situations, building fires, gas fires, and fires that are high pressure. Most of these men aren't payed anything, but they pay their own money to take the training to better serve their communities. "Being a volunteer fireman is just one way to serve your community", Cochran said. "There's the Rotary Club, the Lions Club, athletic booster clubs". The event drew approximately fifty VFDs from all over East Texas. There were approximately 400 fire fighters in attendance.
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