Fire Nearly Destroys Home, LIVINGSTON, December 21, 2013 - At approximately 6:35 pm on December 21, 2013, a house fire was reported to the Livingston Volunteer Fire Department. Chief Corky Cochran and his men arrived to find heavy smoke pouring from a rent house located at 705 Sprott Street in the Livingston City Limits. They were soon joined by the Scenic Loop VFD. Additionally, Sergeant Darrell Newman and Dallas Early both with Livingston PD were dispatched. Firemen were able to get the fire put out, but the home sustained heavy damage throughout most of it's interior from fire, smoke and water. The home was being rented by Annette Phillips, and the owner is reportedly Jacques Delahousay of Livingston. The cause of the fire remains under investigation by the City of Livingston Fire Marshall.
Earlier in the evening, Livingston VFD saved a home on Mimosa Street from certain destruction when they stopped what is believed to have been an electrical fire.
Firemen arrived at 705 Sprott Street in Livingston to find heavy smoke pouring out from the rent house.
Livingston Fire Chief, Corky Cochran and his men were able to save the home from total destruction, but the interior was heavily damaged throughout the home.
Sergeant Darrell Newman with Livingston PD started a preliminary investigation into the incident.
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