Escapees Host Political Forum for Candidates to Speak, LIVINGSTON, February 5, 2008 - On February 5th 2008 at 2 pm, local candidates who are running for various offices converged on the Escapees club for a chance to speak. There were also local officeholders who were in attendance that aren't up for re-election in 2008. There were lots of Escapees, and supporters for every candidate were in attendance. Escapee Mark Nemeth, Certified Toastmaster, presided over the event.
The following candidates spoke:
Robert Belt, Kevin Brady, Susan Strawn, Barbara Cargill, John Otto, Arlan Foster, Steve McKeithen, Jay Wright, Ken Hammack, Gary McClendon, Bobby Watson, Bob Willis, Sydney Murphy, Benny Fogleman
After each candidate spoke, the floor was opened up for questions. Each candidate delivered their speech and answered questions without a hitch.
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