Narcotics Deputy Randy Turner and Deputy Gaston at the scene.
Driver and Passengers Stopped for Speeding, Busted on Drug Related Charges, LIVINGSTON, October 11, 2009 - At approximately 12:30 pm on October 11, 2009, Polk County Sheriff's Deputy Chris Lima stopped a car on Business 59 in Livingston. The car, a gray late model Pontiac sedan driven by Heather Dorris, 24, of Livingston was stopped by Lima on the south-bound side just north of the Sheriff's Office. When Lima walked up to the vehicle, he suspected drugs. Lima asked for permission to search the vehicle and Dorris did not give consent. At that point Deputy Lima called for canine support to sniff the exterior of the car. Narcotics investigator Randy Turner and narcotics dog Gaston arrived in addition to Deputy Terri Mayer to support Lima. Turner walked Gaston around the car and Gaston alerted Turner that there was contraband in the vehicle. At that point, Gaston's keen alertness justified Probable Cause, giving Turner and Lima legal rights to search the vehicle. Gaston's reactions proved to be true when they located a small amount of marijuana and contraband. The contraband was multiple brillo pads used for smoking crack. Heather Dorris and her passengers, Brother Heath Dorris, 26, of Livingston and Ginger Brown, 30, of Goodrich were placed under arrest for possession of drugs and drug paraphernalia. Brown attempted to make her case that she didn't know and was just riding, but Lima didn't buy it. All three were booked into Polk County Jail. Dorris' vehicle was towed by a friend.
A special thank you to Assignment Editor Stash Anderson.
Deputies Turner and Lima search Heather Dorris' vehicle on Business 59 in Livingston.
Heather Dorris and her 2 passengers look on as Deputies search their vehicle (Deputy Terri Mayer stands guard).
Deputy Terri Mayer placed Heather Dorris under arrest on drug related charges.
Heath Dorris is placed under arrest as his sister is led away.
Ginger Brown of Goodrich claimed innocence...
...but deputies weren't buying it.
For Gaston, it was just another day in the office.
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