Detective Vance Berry searches a truck off FM-1988 West as Detective Chris Lima stands by.
Another Driver Busted for Marijuana, GOODRICH, August 27, 2011 - At approximately 4:30 pm on August 27, 2011, Narcotics Detective Vance Berry with the Polk County Sheriff's Office initiated a traffic stop on FM-1988 West near Pete Garrett Road. The driver of the late model gray Dodge truck was Weston Jones, 23, of Hardin. Detective Berry was soon joined by Detective Chris Lima. Berry suspected contraband and received consent to search the vehicle. Deputy Berry uncovered a baggy containing a generous amount of marijuana. Jones was placed under arrest and booked into Polk County Jail. Jones' girlfriend was allowed to drive the truck away.
Berry found a bag of marijuana. Driver Weston Jones was placed under arrest for possession of marijuana.
Jones' girlfriend was allowed to drive the truck away.
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