Polk County District Attorney's Office Aggressively Cracking Down on Family Violence, LIVINGSTON, July 2, 2010 - Polk County Criminal District Attorney, William Lee Hon announced that his office is stepping up prosecution and investigation efforts in family violence cases. Hon sat down with PolkCountyToday.com Editor, Willie Openshaw:
"Family violence is a problem of epidemic proportions in Polk County and its impact is felt far beyond just the immediate participants," Polk County Criminal District Attorney Lee Hon stated Thursday in announcing the creation of the District Attorney's new domestic violence prevention program. The program, effective July 1st, is a one year pilot project which is grant funded under the federal Violence Against Women Act. "Our hope is to improve the investigation and prosecution of domestic violence cases and hopefully reduce the overall incidence of domestic abuse in Polk County," Hon stated.
Under the new program a new district attorney investigator, with the assistance of a victim's advocate, will provide timely follow up investigations, within 24 to 48 hours, of every incident of domestic violence reported to a law enforcement agency in Polk County. "Our goal is to obtain a prompt video interview of the victim and any witnesses, photographic documentation of injuries, and provide timely information to the victim concerning available shelter and services for those choosing to move ahead with their life," Hon continued.
Click this image: William Lee Hon talks extensively about his office's new initiatives to crack down on domestic violence.
"Domestic violence cases are very difficult to investigate and prosecute for a variety of reasons," Hon added. "In many cases, there is a lot of internal and external pressure placed on the victim to request that a prosecution not be pursued-family pressure, economic pressure, feelings of guilt and embarrassment-those sorts of things," Hon continued. "I'm not against grown adults working out their differences," Hon stated. "But in too many cases the violence continues over and over again. A lot of times children are involved or witness the abuse". "This is the 'cycle of violence' that you frequently hear of in the context of family violence" Hon added. "By getting as much evidence as we can very quickly, and letting the victims know their options, I hope to allow my prosecutors to have more information at their disposal in order to help them better determine how to proceed in individual domestic violence cases," Hon stated. "We are going to immediately prioritize those cases involving repeated violence or cases where kids are involved," Hon continued.
"I am especially pleased to announce the hiring of former Polk County Deputy Sheriff Jerry Hunter for the new family violence investigator position," Hon stated. "Jerry is a veteran law enforcement officer who I feel will bring a wealth of experience and understanding to the investigation of domestic violence cases," Hon added. "If this program has the impact that I anticipate it having on our domestic violence prosecutions, I fully expect that it is something that we will endeavor to continue on a long term basis," Hon concluded.
Special thank you to William Lee Hon for his time.
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