Corrigan icon Molly Locke gives a preamble before the ribbon cutting.
Ribbon Cutting Ceremony for Corrigan Full Time Primary Health care Clinic, CORRIGAN, May 11, 2009 - At 11 am on May 11, 2009 a ribbon cutting ceremony took place to celebrate the opening of a full time primary health care clinic in Corrigan. "It takes a community effort to accomplish this" said Benefit Consultant Molly Locke. "There's a rural health care crisis all across America and to attract a good physician like Dr. Carlton Lewis to a little town like ours takes a great community effort". Locke was ecstatic at the milestone event. Other county dignitaries like Judge John Thompson and Commissioner Milton Purvis as well as Corrigan Mayor Grimes Fortune and many others gathered for the big occasion. After Locke gave a short speech the ribbon was cut to the sound of a hardy applause from all those in attendance. Afterwards, a barbecue luncheon took place in the adjoining Corrigan Nutrition Center. Home Care Network was on hand during the luncheon to provide free blood pressure, sugar, and cholesterol checks for Corrigan citizens. Additionally, door prizes were handed out. According to Locke, Corrigan has a good patient base that's been cared for in past years, but was only able to be part-time by Doctor Lewis and James Bledsoe who Locke was quick to praise for their efforts and time put into Corrigan. The full time clinic will be open 8 am - 5 pm Monday - Friday and 8 am - 12 pm on Saturday.
Dr. Carlton Lewis (left) and James Bledsoe do the honors.
Pastor Ralph Johnston of First Baptist Church of Corrigan leads in prayer prior to the ceremony.
After the ceremony and barbecue luncheon was held in the adjoining nutrition center.
Free health screenings were provided by Home Health Care.
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