You lose weight when your body uses more calories than you consume. Regular exercise and proper nutrition will help you body build muscle mass and increase metabolism. This will help you lose weight faster and look trimmer (hey, who doesn't want that!)
The secret to losing weight and getting fit is to eat at regular intervals, rather than starving and stuffing yourself.
Always eat Breakfast: A proper breakfast includes protein, complex carbs, and gives you energy that will last throughout the day. Those who eat a healthy breakfast will consume far less calories than those who don't.
Eat every 3 hours to prevent hunger and maintain energy levels. If you wait longer, your body will react by telling your brain that it needs food. By eating every 3 hours, you'll feel more satisfied and full on less food.
Tips To Help You Lose Weight:
Increase your Fiber: This helps to decrease hunger sensations and allows you to feel full longer.
Stay Hydrated: Water is essential to every bodily function. The more you drink, the better the body functions and more effectively it burns calories. Often,thirst can be mistaken for hunger.
Strength Train: Muscles use more energy than other kinds of tissues. By building muscle you will increase your body's overall metabolism and it's ability to burn calories.
Don't Skip Meals:Skipping meals or eating too little at a meal can be as harmful to your weight loss goals as overeating.
Eat Metabolism Boosting Foods: Such as fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. These foods will help keep insulin levels steady, so that you'll be able to metabolize food more efficiently.
Get Enough Sleep: If you don't get enough rest, your body attempts to compensate for low energy levels by creating cravings for sugar and other simple carbohydrates. Sleep allows your body to recover from vigorous exercise, making it easier for you to stay active and without resorting to eating high-calorie foods.
Eat Slower: It can take a s long as half an hour for your brain to realize that your stomach is full. By eating slowly, you'll probably feel satisfied on less food.
Avoid High-Fat Food Preparation: prepare foods in a healthy way, such as, avoiding cooking with oil, instead try recipes that call for grilling, poaching, or baking.
Eat Out Sensibly: Avoid foods like bread, and chips. Order a soup or salad instead as an appetizer. This will help you avoid high-calorie foods that don't satisfy your appetite. Be aware of the size of the entree' and consider taking part of it home. Often, single portions served at restaurants are large enough for 2 or 3 meals.
Eat Healthy Snacks: If you wait until your starving, you may eat too many of the wrong foods. By keeping healthy snacks in your house and workplace, you can avoid the temptation to eat chips, cookies, and other unhealthy foods. When you buy snack foods, choose those that are both nutritious and low in calories. Limit your snacks to 200 calories or less.
Healthy Snack Choices: Fruits, nuts, low-fat cheese or yogurt. Slice of whole wheat bread w/ tsp. of peanut butter Turkey w/veggies on half-round of pita bread, Hard boiled egg whites filled w/hummus.
So, all in all, maybe these little tips and tricks to eating healthier will somehow help all of you who are constantly struggling with your weight. Small little changes to start, can make a world of difference in the battle of the bulge!! So, what are you waiting for...Get Up And Move!!!