Broken Window Sets Off Alarm at 146 Grocery, LIVINGSTON, July 18, 2013 - At around 1 am on July 18, 2013, Coroporal Terry White with the Polk County Sheriff's Office was dispatched to 146 Grocery located off US-146 and FM-1988 East. Corporal White arrived to find the alarm activated (going off), and a shattered plate glass windows at the south end of the building. White was quickly backed up by Depty Byron Dunaway. No suspects were found inside the establishment. Detective Richard Delaney was dispatched to begin and investigation. Tapes from store surveilance cameras are bing reviewed.
Deputy Byron Dunaway walks around the scene searching for clues.
The alarm was set off when this plate glass window was shattered at the south end of the establishment.
The M&M Sisters were on duty at the time of the incident.
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