Detective Ken Bohnert with Livingston Police Department investigates behind the establishments near the possible point of entry.
Livingston Strip Center Burglarized, LIVINGSTON, February 4, 2010 - According to the Livingston Police Department, sometime in the middle of the night on February 4, 2010 the strip center in town on West Church across the street from Whataburger, was burglarized. Evidence suggests that he burglar(s) entered through the backside of the strip center, once inside they broke through walls to get to neighboring businesses. Subway sandwich shop, Radio Shack, Little Ceaser's Pizza, and Hibbett Sports were entered. Livingston Police Department was dispatched to the scene including Detective Ken Bohnert and Lieutenant Matt Parrish. According to LPD there was property that was stolen, however, the stolen items haven't been disclosed to The burglary is under investigation.
Special thank you: Assignment Editor, Stash Anderson
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