Fatality Accident in East Polk County, MIDWAY, October 23, 2009 - At approximately 4:50 am on October 23, 2009, a tan 2001 Ford Taurus driven by Arnold Lee Prewitt, 43, of Woodville was west-bound on US-190 East a little more than a mile from the Polk County Line. Prewitt veered into the east-bound lane of traffic and slammed head on into an oncoming logging truck driven by Anthony Hardy, 51, of Cleveland. DPS Troopers Ramey Bass and Nita Bowen were dispatched to the scene along with Polk County Sergeant Rob Thomas. Life Flight was summoned but not needed. Prewitt's vehicle was totaled and the 18 wheeler may have been totaled as well. Prewitt was killed and pronounced dead at the scene by Polk County Justice of the Peace Precinct 4 Steven McEntyre. The car that Prewitt was driving was not his, but it was insured.
Arnold Lee Prewitt, 43, of Woodville slammed head-on into an 18 wheeler.
The logging truck was not carrying a load (but may be totaled).
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