Dwight Sadler's 1997 Harley Davidson sits in the parking lot at Airport Quick Stop off FM-350 South.
Driver Crashes on Motorcycle, Recovers, Drives Away, Then Passes, LIVINGSTON, June 12, 2011 - At approximately 5:30 pm on June 12, 2011, a black 1997 Harley Davidson motorcycle driven by Dwight Andrew Sadler, 58, of Livingston, was north-bound on FM-3126. For some reason, Sadler left the road to the right and crashed. Sadler showed amazing resolve as he recovered, got back on his bike, and turned around and drove back to Airport Quick Stop at of FM-3126 at FM-350 South. Sadler then got off his bike, laid down in the parking lot and died. Scenic Loop Volunteer Fire Department was dispatched to the scene along with Deputies from the Polk County Sheriff's Office and DPS Troopers Donny Akers and Joe Cole with the Texas Highway Patrol. Justice of the Peace Precinct 2, David Johnson performed an inquest at the scene. A first call car from Cochran Funeral Home recovered Dwight Sadler. After investigating the scene at the parking lot of Airport Quick Stop, Troopers Akers and Cole went back to 3126 and investigated the area where Sadler's accident happened. Why and how Dwight Sadler left the road on 3126 remains under investigation by the Texas Department of Public Safety. Sadler's motorcycle was recovered by Fawbush Body Shop and will be stored in Goodrich.
Sadler actually had a major accident on his motorcycle, then recovered and drove to the parking lot of Airport Quick Stop where he parked, laid down and passed away.
Trooper Donny Akers (right) and Joe Cole. Akers is the investigating Officer.
Justice of the Peace David Johnson performed an inquest at the scene (Trooper Donny Akers also pictured).
A first call car from Cochran Funeral Home recovered Dwight Sadler.
Sadler's bike was recovered by Fawbush Body Shop.
Trooper Akers and Cole drove to FM-3126 and found the location of the accident where Sadler initially crashed.
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