Driver Eric Flueckiges looks on as cable is untangled from his truck.
18 Wheeler Tears Out High Lines, GOODRICH, April 21, 2009 - At approximately 6 pm on April 21, 2009, an 18 wheeler private postal delivery truck owned by Edwards Postal and driven by Eric Flueckiges had just picked up mail from the U.S. Post Office in Goodrich. As the truck was leaving the parking lot, it caught the high lines that were above the parking lot and ripped the lines out of their sockets from one of the supporting telephone poles. DPS Trooper Brent Murray was dispatched to the scene along with Polk County Sheriff's Deputy, Thomas Toomey and Goodrich Emergency Management Coordinator, Kenneth Hambrick. The lines were not power lines, but are reportedly owned by a company called Rapid Cable out of Houston. Since the lines were not electrical, Hambrick and the driver were able to safely untangle the lines from the truck and move them into the nearby grass. At time of press, it is not know when the cables are supposed to be re-attached and repaired and who is responsible for paying for the damages. The scene was cleared before 7 pm.
One of the supporting poles that held the cable (other pole is not visible in this picture).
Goodrich Emergency Management Coordinator Kenneth Hambrick (right) gets some help removing the cable from the parking lot of the Goodrich Post Office.
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